An international standard (IEC 60529) known as the “Protection Rating” (IP rating) rates the sealing effectiveness in electrical enclosures against the entry of objects, water, dust, or accidental contact.
The IP (Ingress Protection) letters are always followed by two digits and an optional letter in the IP code.

First digit: Solids protection

The first digit after the IP denotes the degree of defense provided by enclosed equipment against the entry of solid foreign objects and human access to potentially dangerous components like electrical conductors.

Level Diameter of Invasion-proof Sphere Description
0 n/a No protection from objects
1 >50mm Objects with a diameter greater than 50 mm cannot be invaded, and any large surface of the body can be avoided.
2 >12.5mm No intrusion of objects with a diameter greater than 12.5mm, approximately finger level.
3 >2.5mm Objects with a diameter greater than 2.5mm cannot be invaded and most tools can be prevented from entering.
4 >1mm The diameter of the object larger than 1mm cannot be invaded, and most of the wires and small tools are isolated.
5 Dustproof Does not completely prevent dust from entering but allows a certain level of dust to enter.
6 Completely Dustproof Completely prevents dust from entering.

Second digit: Liquids protection

The second digit indicates the equipment protection level inside the enclosure against water ingress in the code rating after IP.

Level Protective Testing Conditions
0 No protection N/A N/A
1 Drip Vertical drip should have no negative effect Test time : 10 minutes
Equivalent rainfall : 1 mm/min
2 Tilt 15° Drip 2.5 min/direction, four directions in total Test time: 10 minutes
Equivalent rainfall: 3 mm/min
3 Spray Pressurized spray with nozzle over the exterior of the equipment within ±60 degrees. Test time: 10 minutes
Water volume: 10 L/min
Water pressure: 50 ~ 150kPa
4 Splash Nozzle pressurized spray at any angle on the equipment should have no negative effect Test time: 10 minutes
Water volume: 10 L/min
Water pressure: 50 ~ 150kPa
5 Water spray The water jet from the 6.3 mm nozzle should have no negative effect at any angle on the equipment. Test time: > 3 minutes
Water volume: 12.5 L/min
Water pressure: 30kPa at a distance of 3m
6 High-pressure water jets Pressurized water jets from 12.5mm nozzle should have no negative effect on the equipment at any angle. Test time: >3 minutes
Water volume: 100 L/min
Water pressure:100kPa at a distance of 3m
7 Immersion in water The equipment enclosure will not be damaged by immersion in water (up to 1m) under specified conditions, including water pressure and time
  • Test time:30min
  • When the height of the equipment <850mm, the lowest point of the equipment shell should be submerged 1m below the water surface.
  • When the equipment height >850mm, the highest point of the equipment casing should be submerged 0.15m below the water surface.
8 ≦1m The equipment may be suitable for prolonged immersion in water under conditions specified by the manufacturer. This usually means that the equipment is sealed. Bilateral agreement, but more stringent than IPX7